11-Apr-24 00:27:06 INFO Start cloth cover detector module version 2.1.2! 11-Apr-24 00:27:06 INFO sourceFile(scandata) : '/item/journal1920cincuoft_scandata.xml' -> targetFile(log-file) '/item/journal1920cincuoft_cloth_detection.log' 11-Apr-24 00:27:06 INFO Using /item/journal1920cincuoft_cloth_detection.log to find imagestack 11-Apr-24 00:27:06 INFO Successfully found imagestack path - /item/journal1920cincuoft_jp2.zip 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Image measurements data: [50.6366049382716, 36.866440369400905, 11.242313071185158, 0.1546214265206513, 18.129983732344243, 0.07691824295340942, 0.01563244999425636, 0.7601039436489377, 0.061337510264333275, 10.85946847481752] 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 1: 'is cloth' - True, 'edge level' - 0.11962948491755931 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Image measurements data: [63.58641176470588, 35.4789026466, 12.102987071734278, 0.19385399159663866, 21.17059668210217, 0.05696055889919102, 0.012350392899195178, 0.6749154093018408, 0.07858856638849311, 16.23641047152972] 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Analysis of cover page with leafNum 570: 'is cloth' - True, 'edge level' - 0.12394724479071706 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Index number of page 1 is 1 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Index number of page 570 is 570 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Save new scandata with tag 'clothCover' in /item/journal1920cincuoft_scandata.xml 11-Apr-24 00:27:07 INFO Successful finish cloth-cover detector!