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THIS publication is issued under the authority of a vote passed by the New England Historic Genealogical Society, November 6, 1901, as follows:

Voted: That the sum of $20,000, from the bequest of the late Robert Henry Eddy, be set aside as a special fund to be called the Eddy Town-Record Fund, for the sole purpose of publishing the Vital Records of the towns of Massachusetts, and that the Council be authorized and instructed to make such arrangements as may be necessary for such publication. And the treasurer is hereby instructed to honor such drafts as shall be authorized by the Council for this purpose.

Committee on Publications

Henry Winchester Cunningham Francis Everett Blake

Charles Knowles Bolton Don Gleason Hill

Edmund Dana Barbour

E'ditor F. Apthorp Foster

5tanbop€ ipwss


1 rFEB i 4 Copy ^^1^59

THE TOWN OF PEMBROKE, Plymouth County, was established March 21, 17 12, from a part of Duxbury called Mattakeeset, a tract of land known as the Major's Purchase, and the land called Marshfield Upper Lands at Mattakeeset.

July 4, 1734, part of Pembroke was included in the new town of Halifax.

February 22, 1820, part of Pembroke was established as Hanson.

March 6, 1835, bounds between Pembroke and Han- over were established.

April 23, 1885, bounds between Pembroke and Han- over were established.

April 3, 1903, bounds between Pembroke and Hanson were established.

Population by

Census :


1776 (Prov.),



1800 (U.S.),



1820 (U.S.),



1840 (U.S.),



1855 (State),



1865 (State),



1875 (State),



1885 (State),



1895 (State),

1223 ;


1905 (State),







2051 ;
















1. When places other than Pembroke and Massachusetts are named in the original records, they are given in the printed


2. In all records the original spelling is followed.

3. The various spellings of a name should be examined, as items about the same family or individual might be found under different spellings.

4. Marriages and intentions of marriages are printed under the names of both parties. When both the marriage and in- tention of marriage are recorded, only the marriage record is printed ; and where a marriage appears without the intention recorded, it is designated with an asterisk.

5. Additional information which does not appear in the original text of an item, i.e. any explanation, query, inference, or difference shown in other entries of the record, is bracketed. Parentheses are used to show the difference in the spelling of a name in the same entry, to indicate the maiden name of a wife, to enclose an imperfect portion of the original text, and to sep- arate clauses in the original text such as the birthplace of a parent in late records.


a. age abt. about

b. born ch. child chn. children

C.R.I. church record, First Unitarian Church

C.R.2. church record, Second Church of Christ

C.R.3. church record, Baptist Church

C.R.4. records of the Society of Friends of Pembroke, now

in the possession of the Society at New Bedford Co. county d. daughter; died; day Dea. deacon dup. duplicate entry G.R.I. gravestone record, Pembroke Centre Cemetery

G.R.2. gravestone record, Stetson Burying Ground, Pem- broke

G.R.3. gravestone record, Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Bryantville

G.R.4. gravestone record, Two Mile Cemetery, Pembroke

G.R.5. gravestone record, Briggs Cemetery, North Pem- broke

G.R.6. gravestone record. East Pembroke Cemetery

G.R.7. gravestone record. High Street, Pembroke

G.R.8. gravestone record, Chapel Ground, Pembroke

G.R.9. gravestone record. Friends Burying Ground, North Pembroke

h. husband

hrs. hours

inf. infant

int. pubHshment of intention of marriage

Jr. junior

m. married; month

min. minutes



p.c.E. Plymouth County Record

P.R.I. private record, list of baptisms made by Rev. Gad

Hitchcock pastor of the Second Church of Christ, now

in the possession of Mrs. Elroy M. Avery of Cleveland,

Ohio P.R.2. private record, from a list of marriage intentions

kept by Oliver Whitten, Town Clerk of Pembroke,

now in the possession of Mrs. Josiah Cook of Hanson P.R.3. private record, from a record of deaths in Pembroke

and neighboring towns kept by William Torrence,

now in the possession of William H. Torrence of Pem- broke P.R.4. private record, from a record of deaths in Pem- broke and neighboring towns kept by Thomas Turner,

now in the possession of John M. Monroe of Pembroke P.R.5. private record, from the Bible of Nathaniel Bonney,

now in the possession of Miss Eliza B. Wliite of North

Hanson P.R.6. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Macomber

now in the possession of Mrs. C. M. Carr of Hanson P.R.7. private record, from the Bible of Moses Carr, now

in the possession of Miss Malinda A. Carr of Hanson P.R.8. private record, from the Bible of Samuel Perry,

now in the possession of Miss Malinda A. Carr of

Hanson P.R.9. private record, from the Bible of Nathaniel Soper,

now in the possession of WiUiam E. Barker of Hanson p.R.io. private record, from the Bible of John L. Elms,

now in the possession of William G. Elms of Hanson P.R.I I. private record, from the Bible of Byram Sampson,

now in the possession of WilUam G. Elms of Hanson p.R,i2. private record, from the Bible of Lot Phillips,

now in the possession of Josephine Estes of Hanson P.R.13. private record, from the Bible of Ezekiel Bonney,

now in the possession of Ellen J. Ford of Hanson P.R.14. private record, from the Bible of Oliver Whitten,

now in the possession of Mrs. Corneha J. Cook of

Hanson P.R.I 5. private record, from the Bible of John A. Whiting,

now in the possession of Mrs. Cornelia J. Cook of



P.R.16. private record, from the Bible of Chelcias Howard, now in the possession of Mrs. AmeUa Dwelley of Bryant- ville

P.R.I 7. private record, from a Bible now in the possession of the Hanson Library Association

P.R.18. private record, from the Torrance family Bible, now in the possession of William H. Torrance of North Pembroke

P.R.19. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Whit- man, now in the possession of John T. Whitman of Winthrop

P.R.20. private record, from the Bible of Peter Salmond Jr., now in the possession of Mrs. Edwin P. Litchfield of Pembroke

P.R.21. private record, from the Bible of Peleg Cook, now in the possession of Mrs. B. F. White of North Pembroke

P.R.22. private record, from the Bible of Ephraim Randall, now in the possession of Anson Hatch of North Pem- broke

P.R.23. private record, from the Bible of William Rideout, now in the possession of William Rideout of North Pembroke

P.R.24. private record, from the Bible of Barker Turner, now in the possession of Mrs. Cordelia Turner of North Pembroke

P.R.25. private record, from the Bible of Barker Baker, now in the possession of Josiah Baker of North Pem- broke

P.R.26. private record, from the Baker family record, now in the possession of Josiah H. Baker of North Pembroke

P.R.27. private record, from the Bible of James Keen, now in the possession of Frank Keene of East Pembroke

P.R.28. private record, from the Bible of Alexander

Stetson, now in the possession of Mrs. Watson Phillips

of East Pembroke P.R.29. private record, from the Bible of Joshua R. Witherell,

now in the possession of Mrs. J. A. Bourne of East



P.R.30. private record, from the Bible of Capt. Caleb

White, now in the possession of Andrew Poole of East

Pembroke p,R.3i. private record, from the Bible of Isaac C. Curtis,

now in the possession of Albert Curtis of East Pembroke P.R.32. private record, from the Bible of William Taylor,

now in the possession of Miss Abbie A. Taylor of East

Pembroke P.R.33. private record, from the Bible of John McFarlen,

now in the possession of John McFarlen of West Dux- bury P.R.34. private record, from the Bible of John McFarlen,

now in the possession of John McFarlen of West Dux- bury P.R.35. private record, from a Curtis family record,

now in the possession of Mrs. John McFarlen of West

Duxbury P.R.36. private record, from the Bible of Asaph Magoun,

now in the possession of Francis L. Magoun of North

Pembroke P.R.37. private record, from the Bible of Isaac Hatch,

now in the possession of Martin Hatch Esq. of East

Pembroke P.R.38. private record, from the Bible of Joshua R.

Witherell, now in the possession of Edwin B. Jones of

East Pembroke P.R.39. private record, from the Bible of James Ford,

now in the possession of Charles Lewis Ford of East

Pembroke P.R.40. private record, from the Bible of Samuel Taylor

of East Pembroke, now in his possession p,R.4i. private record, from the Lewis family record,

now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah Lewis of West

Duxbury P.R.42. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Stetson,

now in the possession of Luther Gardner of West

Duxbury P.R.43. private record, from the Bible of Charles Estes,

now in the possession of Willard Estes of West Dux- bury


P.E.44. private record, from a Keene family record, now in the possession of Miss Carrie Randall of West Dux- bury

P.R.45. private record, from the Bible of Abel Keene, now in the possession of Miss Lydia Drake of West


P.R.46. private record, from the Loring family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Bernard Loring of North Pembroke

P.R.47. private record, from the Bible of Saunders Ford, now in the possession of Saunders Ford of West Dux- bury

P.R.48. private record, from the Bible of Phebe H. Saun- ders, now in the possession of George Ford of West Duxbury

P.R.49. private record, from the Ford family record, now in the possession of George W. Ford of West Duxbury

P.R.50. private record, from the Sampson family record, now in the possession of Miles Sampson Esq. of Pem- broke

P.R.51. private record, from the Bible of Nancy Osborn, now in the possession of George W. Turner of Bryant- ville

P.R.52. private record, from the Bible of Peleg Sampson, now in the possession of Kenelm Ford of Bryantvilie

P.R.53. private record, from the Hill family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Carroll Washburn of Bryant- vilie

P.R.54. private record, from the Bible of Ichabod M. Reed, now in the possession of Ichabod M. Reed of Bryantvilie

P.R.55. private record, from the Bible of Calvin L. Reed, now in the possession of Perley C. Reed of Bryantvilie

P.R.56. private record, from the Bible of Isaac Josselyn, now in the possession of Miss Deborah M. Josselyn of Bryantvilie

P.R.57. private record, from a Josselyn family record, now in the possession of Miss Deborah M. Josselyn of Bryantvilie


P.R.58. private record, from the Bible of Deborah Josselyn,

now in the possession of Miss Deborah M. Josselyn of

Bryantville P.R.59. private record, from a Bearce family record, now

in possession of Mrs. L. W. Bonney of Bryantville P.R.60. private record, from the Bible of Cyrus Monroe,

now in the possession of Mrs. Lydia J. Monroe of South

Hanson P.R.61. private record, from the Bible of Friend W.

Rowland, now in the possession of Mrs. C. L. Rowland

of South Hanson P.R.62. private record, from the Bible of Snow Baker,

now in the possession of Mrs. Mary C. Sturtevant of

North Hanson P.R.63. private record, from the Bible of Peleg R. Sampson,

now in the possession of Mrs. Daniel Perkins of North

Hanson P.R.64. private record, from the Bible of Isaac Thomas,

now in the possession of Miss Sally B. Cusliing of

Hanson P.R.65. private record, from the Bible of Nathaniel

Gushing, now in the possession of Miss Sally B. Gushing

of Hanson P.R.66. private record, from the Bible of Oren Josselyn,

now in the possession of Samuel House of North Hanson

P.R.67. private record, from the Bible of William Simmons, now in the possession of Mrs. EUery jVIerritt of Bryant- ville

P.R.68. private record, from the Bible of Allen Howland, now in the possession of Mrs. Augustus W. Howland of Bryantville

P.R.69. private record, from the Bible of Da\id 0. How- land, now in the possession of Mrs. Augustus W. How- land of Bryantville

P.R.70. private record, from the Bible of Joseph Bearce, now in the possession of Mrs. Deborah Soper Howard of South Hanson

P.R.71. private record, from a Damon family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Deborah Howard of South Hanson


p.R,72. private record, from a Damon family record, now

in the possession of Miss Angy Damon of South

Hanson P.R.73. private record, from the Bible of Nelson Thomas,

now in the possession of Miss Ruth Thomas of South

Hanson P.R.74. private record, from the Bible of Jeremiah Soper,

now in the possession of Mrs. Julia Thomas of South

Hanson P.R.75. private record, from the Bible of Deborah Leavitt,

now in the possession of Mrs. Otis Bonney of Hanson

P.R.76. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Drake, now in the possession of Charles Drake of Pembroke

P.R.77. private record, from the Bible of Edward Stevens,

now in the possession of Mrs. Betsey Stetson of Bryant-

ville P.R.78. private record, from the Bible of Nathan Stevens,

now in the possession of Hiram H. Stevens of Bryant-

ville P.R.79. private record, from the Bible of Greenleaf Kil-

brith, now in the possession of Greenleaf Kilbrith of

Bryantville P.R.80. private record, from the Bible of Nathaniel B.

Thomas, now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen Bearce of

South Hanson P.R.81. private record, from the Bible of Perez Howland,

now in the possession of Nathaniel T. Howland of South

Hanson P.R.82. private record, from the Bible of Levi Tirrell,

now in the possession of Mrs. Henry G. Brewster of

South Hanson P.R.83. private record, from the Bible of Josiah Barker,

now in the possession of Mrs. M. E. Reed of South

Hanson P.R.84. private record, from the Joshua Barker family

record, now in the possession of Mrs. M. E. Reed of

South Hanson P.R.85. private record, from the Bible of Oliver Bourne,

now in the possession of Miss Clara Bourne of North



P.R.86. private record, from a Beal family record, now in the possession of Bernard C. Beal of Hanson

P.E.87. private record, from the Bible of Joseph B. How- land, now in the possession of Bernard C. Beal of Hanson

P.R.88. private record, from the Bible of Elisha Water- man Tillson, now in the possession of James Bourne of Bryantville

P.R.89. private record, from the Ramsdell family record, now in the possession of Luther Chapman of Hanson

P.R.90. private record, from the Bible of James H. Dwelley, now in the possession of James H. Dwelley of Pembroke

P.R.91. private record, from the Bible of Robert Ramsdell, now in the possession of Mrs. Ezra Magoun of Hanson

P.R.92. private record from the Bible of Isaac Magoun, now in the possession of Mrs. Ezra Magoun of Hanson

P.R.93. private record, from the Turner family record, now in the possession of Mrs. George Stetson of Hanson

P.R.94. private record, from a Parris family record, now in the possession of Mrs. George Stetson of Hanson

P.R.95. private record, from a Bearce family record, now

in the possession of Mrs. George Stetson of Hanson P.R.96. private record, from the Bible of Thomas G. Clark,

now in the possession of Thomas G. Clark of North

Hanson P.R.97. private record, from the Bible of Jeremiah Stetson,

now in the possession of Marshall Stetson of North

Hanson P.R.98. private record, from the Josselyn family record,

now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen P. Reed of North

Hanson P.R.99. private record, from the Bible of Julius Josselyn,

now in the possession of Mrs. Henry Torrey of North

Hanson p.R.ioo. private record, from the Bible of Luther Josselyn,

now in the possession of Mrs. Charles S. Josselyn of

North Hanson p.R.ioi. private record, from the Bible of Robert Perry,

now in the possession of Miss Eveline F. Perry of Hanson P.R.102. private record, from the Bible of Horace J. Foster,

now in the possession of Horace J. Foster of Pembroke


P.R.103. private record, from the Bible of Henry A. Torrey, now in the possession of Herbert Torrey of Pembroke

p.R. 104. private record, from the Bible of Bartlett Rams- dell, now in the possession of Mrs. Joseph Ramsdell of Pembroke

P.R.105. private record, from the Bible of Jonathan 0. Mann, now in the possession of George O. Mann of Pembroke

P.R. 106. private record, from the Bible of William Josselyn,

now in the possession of Ehsha Tillson of Pembroke P.R.107. private record, from the Bible of Samuel Perry,

now in the possession of Edgar C. Thayer of Pembroke P.R. 108. private record, from the Bible of Josiah Bonney,

now in the possession of Miss Lizzie Bonney of Pembroke P.R.109. private record, from the Bible of Charles Jones,

now in the possession of Lawrence Gardner of Pembroke P.R. no. private record, from the Bible of Edwin Clark,

now in the possession of Edwin Clark of Hanson P.R.I 1 1, —private record, from the Bible of Isaac Ramsdell,

now in the possession of Mrs. Isaac Ramsdell of Llanson P.R.I 1 2. —private record, from the Bible of Gad Soper, now

in the possession of Joseph E. Prouty of Hanson P.R.I 13. private record, from the Bible of Jacob Josselyn,

now in the possession of Mrs. Ida E. Turner of Hanson P.R.114.— private record, from the Bible of Albert House,

now in the possession of Mrs. Emily F. Brown of Hanson p.R. 1 1 5. private record, from the Bible of Seth Foster, now

in the possession of George M. Foster of Pembroke P.R.I 16. private record, from the Bible of James Bicknell,

now in the possession of Henry Cobb of Hanson P.R.117. private record, from the Bible of Ebenezer B.

Keene, now in the possession of Frank Keene of South


P.R. 1 18. —private record, from the Bible of David Josselyn, now in the possession of Mrs. George Langell of Hanson

P.R.119. private record, from the Bible of Jeremiah Stet- son, now in the possession of Mrs. Florence Josselyn of Hanson

P.R. 1 20. —private record, from the Bible of Ezekiel Bonney, now in the possession of Mrs. Ellen J. Ford of Hanson



P_j^_j2i. private record, from the Bible of Lot Phillips,

now in the possession of Miss Josephine Estes of Hanson p.R,i22. private record, from a Keene family record, now

in the possession of Miss Josephine Estes of Hanson p_j^_j23. private record, from the Keene family record, now

in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of Hanson P.R.I 24. private record, from a Phillips family record, now

in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of South Hanson P.R.125. private record, from a Soper family record, now

in the possession of Miss Mabel Keene of Hanson P.R.126. private record, from the Bible of John Bartlett

Chandler, now in the possession of Theodore Chandler

of Bryantville pj^ j2y. private record, from the Bible of Horace Colla-

more, now in the possession of Dr. Francis CoUamore

of North Pembroke P.R.I 28. private record, from the Bible of Thomas C. Bell,

now in the possession of Mrs. Mary Ann Turner of

North Pembroke P.R.129. private record, from the Bible of Luther Turner,

now in the possession of Mrs. Mary Ann Turner of North

Pembroke P.R.I 30. private record, from the Bible of Edward E. Tur- ner, now in the possession of Charles Turner of North

Pembroke P.R.131. private record, from the Bible of Alden Turner,

now in the possession of Mrs. Alden Turner of North

Pembroke P.R.132. private record, from the Bible of Benjamin Cooper

now in the possession of Mrs. Alden Turner of North

Pembroke PR J23. private record, from the Bible of Augustus CoUa- more, now in the possession of Mrs. Augustus Collamore

of Pembroke P.R.134. private record, from the Bible of Seth Hatch,

now in the possession of Mrs. John Simmons of Schoosett P.R.135. private record, from the Bible of Barker Turner,

now in the possession of Mrs. John Simmons of Schoosett P.R.136. private record, from the Bible of Daniel P.

Calkins, now in the possession of Mrs. James H. West

of North Pembroke


P.R.137. private record, from the Bible of Spencer Churchill, now in the possession of Edmund Crossley of Pembroke

P.R.138. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Keene, now in the possession of Mrs. Charles Bryant of Pem- broke

P.R.139. private record, from the Bible of Deborah Barker, now in the possession of Miss Mary A. Oldham of Pembroke

P.R.140. private record, from the Bible of Joel White, now in the possession of Lucius White of Pembroke

P.R.141. private record, from a White family record, now in the possession of Lucius White of Pembroke

P.R.142. private record, from a Rowland family record, now in the possession of Otis Foster of Pembroke

P.R.143. private record, from a Foster family record, now in the possession of Otis Foster of Pembroke

P.R.144. private record, from the Bible of Nathaniel Loring, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bos- worth of Pembroke

P.R.145. private record, from the Bible of Wait Ford, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.146. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Burton, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.147. private record, from the Bible of John Ford,

now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of

Pembroke P.R.148. private record, from the Bible of Ezekiel Bemis,

now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah J. Simmons of

Pembroke P.R.149. private record, from the Bible of Calvin Shepherd,

now in the possession of Mrs. Lemuel LeFurgey of

Pembroke P.R.I 50. private record, from the Bible of Nathan Stevens,

now in the possession of Nathan White of Hanson

P.R.151. private record, from the Bible of Benjamin Josselyn, now in the possession of Mrs. Emily A. Josselyn of Hanson

P.R.152. private record, from a Fish family record, now in the possession of Miss S. A. Lapham of Bryantville


P.R.153. private record, from a Lapham family record, now in the possession of Miss S. A. Lapham of Bryant- ville

P.E.154. private record, from a Briggs family record, now in the possession of John Briggs of South Hanson

P.R.155. private record, from the Bible of Shadrach Thomas, now in the possession of Miss M. Elizabeth Thomas of Neponset

P.R.156. private record, from a Bonney family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pem- broke

P.R.157. private record, from a Jennings family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.158. private record, from the Bible of Daniel Bonney, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.I 59. private record, from a Bearce family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.I 60. private record, from a Crooker family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pem- broke

P.R.161. private record, from a Magoun family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.162. private record, from a Crooker family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.163. private record, from a Bonney family record, now in the possession of James G. Bonney of Pembroke

P.R.164. private record, from a Gardner family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.165. private record, from a Dunster family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke

P.R.166. private record, from a Turner family record, now in the possession of Mrs. Sarah E. Bosworth of Pembroke


P.R.167. private record, from the Bible of Joseph Rowland,

now in the possession of Miss Maria W. Howland of

Rockland P.R.I 68. private record, from the Bible of Levi Everson,

now in the possession of Mrs. Fred U. Corson of

Melrose P.R.169. private record, from a Healy family record, now

in the possession of A. A. Healy of Whitman P.R.I 70. private record, from a Magoun family record,

now in the possession of Miss Susie H. Magoun of

Marshfield P.R.171. private record, from a Bryant family record,

now in the possession of Oscar Stevens of Marshfield P.R.172. private record, from the Bible of Turner Sampson,

now in the possession of Miss Eliza T. Sampson of

Whitman P.R.173. private record, from the Bible of Joseph Ford,

now in the possession of Mrs. Victor E. Hobell of

Hanover P.R.I 74. private record, from a Hills family record, now

in the possession of Henry Torrey of North Hanson

P.R.175. private record, from the Bible of Thomas Baker, now in the possession of James G. Bonney of Pembroke

P.R.I 76. private record, from the Bible of Noah Bonney, now in the possession of Lucian Bonney of South Easton

P.R.177. private record, from the Thomas Stetson record, now in the possession of L. T. Stetson of South Wey- mouth

P.R.178. private record, from a Bible now in the possession of Mrs. Julia E. Fitts of Greenbush

P.R.I 79. private record, from the Joseph Cobb family

record, now in the possession of Fred Gushing of

Whitman P.R.I 80. private record, from a Brown family record, now

in the possession of Mrs. Lydia G. Randall of North

Pembroke P.R.181. private record, from a family Bible, now in the

possession of Oscar Stevens of Marshfield

P.R.182. private record, from an ancient Keene record, now in the possession of Miss Minnie Keene Bachelder of Plymouth


P.R.183. private record, from the Turner family Bible,

now in the possession of Mercer V. Tillson of South

Hanson P.R.184. private record, from Bible of Elisha Briggs P.R.185. private record, from Oliver Wliitton family

record, now in the possession of Mrs. Josiah Cook of

Hanson P.R.186. private record, from a record of marriages by

Josiah Smith, Justice of the Peace in Pembroke, now in

the possession of Mrs. E. Q. Sylvester of Hanover P.R.187. private record, from Crooker family record P.R.188. private record, from Nathaniel Chamberlain's

Account Book, now in the possession of Amos Hunting

of East Bridgewater P.R.189. private record, from the Ford family Bible, now

in the possession of Mercer V. Tillson of South Hanson P.R.190. private record, from a Tillson family record,

now in the possession of Mercer V. Tillson of South

Hanson P.R.191. private record, from a copy of marriages by Rev.

Thomas Smith, now in the possession of the New

England Historic Genealogical Society R.R. Rebellion Record rec. recorded 5. son Sr. senior T.c. town copy w. wife; week wid. widow •widr. widower y. year




ADARTON (see Atherton), John, [twin] ch. Samuel and Mary,

June 14, 1734. Rachal, [twin] ch. Samuel and Mary, June 14, 1734. Submit, d. Samuel and Mary, Feb. 19, 1 730-1. Thomas, s. Samuel and Mary, May 28, 1736. [Atherton, s.

Sam[ue]ll, c.r.i.]

ALLEN, Blaney C, shoemaker, s. Blaney C. and Mary, Apr.

21, 1842, R.R. Diana, Mar. 7, 1791. P.R.12. Eliza, May 2, 1819. P.R.12. Ephraim, s. John, bp. May 19, 1751. c.R.2. George Minot, s. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Feb. 19, 1802.

Hannah [ ], w. Rev. Morrill [June , 1779]. g.r.i.

Hannah Cornelia Dean, d. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Oct.

25, 1810. Henry C. [h. Emma F.], Aug. 20, 1826. G.R.5. Henry Ware, s. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Apr. 6, 1822. John, s. John and Alice, Mar. i, 1761. Joseph Jr. [[of] E. Bridgewater], June 12, 1785. p.R.12. Josiah Dean, s. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, May 16, 1805. Josiah Dean, s. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Jan. 20, 1813. Laban s. Japhet, bp. July i, 1763. c.R.2. Lavina, w. Isaac Hatch Jr., July 12, 1796. p.R.37. Lavina, d. H. P., bp. May 24, 1818. c.r.i. Martha Jane, d. Rev. Morril and Hannah, . [bp.

Oct. I, 1826, C.R.I.]

Morrill, Rev. [h. Hannah], [1776]. g.r.i.

Morrill Byram, s. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Oct. 3, 1807. Sarah D., d. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Jan. 8, 1819. [Sarah

Dean Allen, c.r.i.] W[inia]m Paley, s. Rev. Morrill and Hannah, Sept. 27, 1815.

ARNOLD, Hattie [ ], w. Francis, July 26, 1841. g.r.s.

ATHERTON (see Adarton), Badger, ch. Sam[ue]l of Kings- ton, bp. June I, 1760. C.R.I.


Atherton, Sylvia, ch. Sam[ue]l of Kingston, bp. June i, 1760.


AUSTIN, Annie J. [ ], w. W. H., Mar. 6, 1838. G.E.7.

AYERS, Emeline [ ], w. Frederick J. [Aug. , 181 7].


Frederick J. [h. Emeline], [1808]. g.r.i.

William, ch. Frederick J. and Emeline, , 1846. g.r.i.

BAILEY (see Baley), John, May 6, 1751. g.r.q.

BAKER, Abigail, d. Nathaniel, bp. May 25, 1755. c.r.i. Abigal, d. Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 25, 1753. Amos, ch. Barker and Rhoda, May 14, 1834. p.R.26. Andrew Herbert, s. Calvin, ship carpenter, and Delia, Feb. 6,


Anna [ ], w. Snow, Oct. 6, 1757. P.R.62.

Barker [h. Rhoda] [Aug. , 17S9]. G.R.4. [Aug. 19, 1789,

P.R.25.] Benjamin, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, June 10, 1741. Bettey, d. Nath[anie]l and Sarah, Nov. 6, 1756. [Betty, c.r.i.] Calvin, s. Liberty and Sarah, Sept. 5, 1806. Calvin, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Dec. 23, 1814. [Dec. 29,

p.R.26.] Calvin L., housewright, s. Calvin and Delia, Sept. 24, 1839.


Caroline Frances, d. William, ship carpenter, and Mary A.,

Jan. 24, 1849. Carroline, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Sept. 26, 1S26. [Carline,


Cordlea, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Nov. 8, 1829. p.R.26.

Cushing, s. Snow and Ann, Aug. 26, 1794.

Cushing, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Apr. 8, 1824.

Daniel, s. Joshua, bp. Aug. 25, 1737. c.r.i.

Daniel, ch, Daniel and Priscilla, Sept. 8, 1786.

Delia Turner, d. Calvin, ship wright, and Delia, July 21,

1847. Emily, w. Holmes Saunders Ford, May 2, 1829, in Duxbury.

P.R.47. George, ,1840. g.r.i. [ch. Thomas and Almina(Josselyn),

June 17, P.R.175.]

Harvey, , 1803. g.r.i.

Henry, shoemaker, s. Hewitt and Rachel, May 12, 1828, in

Duxbury. r.r. Hewitt [h. Martha C] [July , 1783]. g.r.i.


Baker, John, s. Nathaniel and Susanna, May 12, 1743. Josiah Hatch, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Oct. g, 183 1. p.R.26.

Lucy J. [ ], w. Henry [Mar. , 1829]. G.r.i.

Luther, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Aug. 13, 1816.

Luther Gushing, s. Calvin, ship carpenter, and Delia, June 22,


Lydia, d. Snow and Anna, Mar. 23, 1799.

Martha C. [ ], w. Hewitt [Nov. , 1797]. g.r.i.

Mary, , 1843. g.r.i. [ch. Thomas and Almina (Josse-

lyn), Dec. 28, p.R.175.]

Mary H., ch. Barker and Rhoda, Aug. 11, 1822. [[w. William W. Rideout] p.R.23.]

Nancy, d. [torn] [Snow, c.R.2. p.R.62.] and Anna, July 20, 1792.

Nichols, s. Nathaniel and Sarah, Sept. 20, 1751.

Priscilla, ch. Daniel and Priscilla, Apr. 27, 1788.

Rhoda [ ], w. Baker, [1791]. G.R.4.

Richard H., sailor, s. John and Mary, May 2, 1842, in Free- town, P. E. Island, r.r.

Ruth, Apr. 16, 1791. P.R.25.

Sarah, d. Snow and Anna, Feb. 12, 1791.

Snow, s. Joshua and Sarah, bp. Aug. 19, 1739. c.R.i. [b. July 7, p.R.62.]

Sophia, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Jan. 10, 1813.

Susanna, d. Nathaniel and Susanna, July 28, 1747.

Susanna [Baker], d. John and Ruth, Oct. 10, i[76]7[?].

Thomas [h. Almira Harden] , 1812. g.r.i. [[h. Almina

(Josselyn)] July 14, P.R.175.]

William, ch. Barker and Rhoda, Sept. 13, 1818,

BALEY (see Bailey), Priscilla, w. Nathaniel Loring, Jan. 15, 1711. P.R.144.

BARCE (see Bearce, Bearse, Berce), Patience Pheney, d.

Ichabod (Bearce) and Easter, Aug. 8, 1769. Thomas Tracy [? Barce], s. Mr. Barce, bp. Aug. 6, 181 5.


BARKER, Barnabas, s. Tho[ma]s and Olive, Dec. 22, 1767. Beccah, d. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 7, 1787. c.r.2. [Beuker, p.r.i.] Benjamin, s. Prince and Abigal, Sept. 30, 1756. Benj[ami]n, ch. Joshua and Mary, Jan. 28, 1781. Benjamin, s. Benj[ami]n and Sally, Jan. 17, 1812. Bethiah, d. Thomas and Bethiah, Feb. 17, 17 15. Bowen, s. Isaac [Isaac B., C.R.2.] and Elisabeth, Mar. 11, 1800.


Barker, Bridget [ ], w. , [1762]. c.r.i.

Caleb, s. Daniel and Betsey, Feb. 4, 1813.

Deborah, d. Josiah and Sarah, Oct. 5, 1741-

Deborah, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Aug. 18, 1771. [ch.

Ebenezer and Priscilla (Loring), w. David Oldham Jr.,

P.R.139.] Deborah, ch. Robert and Deborah, Sept. i, 1801. Ebenezer, s. Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 3, 1739. [h. Priscilla

(Loring) of Plympton, p.R.139.] Ebenezer, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Sept. 26, 1769. [Eben-

ezor, p.R.139.] Ebenezer, ch. Josiah and Penelope, Sept. 9, 1796. Elisabeth, d. Thomas and Bethiah, June 14, 1720. Elisabeth, d. Elisha and Elisebeth, bp. May 16, 1742. c.r.i. Elisabeth, ch. Joshua and Mary, Mar. 15, 1779. [Elizabeth,


Elisabeth, ch. [Capt., c.r.i.] John and Ruth, Mar. 8, 1807.

Elisha, s. Tho[ma]s and Olive, Oct. 7, 1769.

Eliza, ch. Isaac and Bridget, Nov. 18, 1798.

Eliza, ch. Robert and Deborah, Sept. 25, 1806.

Eliza [? m.] [Sept. , 1813]. g.r.i.

tlizabeth (see Elisabeth).

Elizabeth, d. Isaac B. and Elizabeth, July 30, 1793.

Elizabeth (see Elisabeth).

Francis, s. Elisha, bp. May 5, 1765. c.r.i.

Francis, s. Isaac B. and Elisabeth, Dec. 22, 1806.

Francis, s. Isaac B. Esq., bp. Oct. 22, 1809. c.R.2.

George, s. Daniel and Betsey, Nov, 6. 1817.

George Gushing [h. Hannah Elizabeth], s. Robert and Mary

C. [Mar. , 1826]. G.R.I. Hannah, d. Thomas and OHve, Apr. 8, 1777. Hannah, ch. Isaac and Bridget, Apr. 14, 1792.

Hannah Elizabeth, w. George C., [1830]. G.R.i.

Isaac, s. Prince and Abigal, May i, 1749-

Isaac, ch. Isaac and Bridget, May 18, 1793. [[h. Sally] g.r.i.]

Isaack Bowen, s. Elisha, bp. Nov. 16, 1756. c.r.i.

Isaiah Dunster, s. Capt. I., bp. Dec. 14, 1812. c.r.i.

Israel Turner, s. Robert and Bettey, July 16, 1763.

Jacob, ch. John and Ruth, Sept. 24, 1816.

Jacob, ch. Capt. J., bp. Nov. 8, 1818. c.r.i.

Joanna, d. Josiah and Sarah, Sept. 2, 1745.

John, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, July 24, 1773.

John, ch. Robert and Deborah, Feb. 14, 1804.

Joseph, s. Joshua, bp. Apr. 6, 1777. C.R.2.


Barker, Joshua, s. Francis and Mary, Aug. 26, 171 1.

Joshua, Sept. 18, 1744- P.R.S4.

Joshua, s. Robert and Bettey, Nov. 8, 1772.

Joshua, s. Joshua, bp. Oct. 23, 1774. c.R.2.

Joshua, s. Benjamin and Sally, Oct. 14, 1808.

Joshua, s. Capt. John and Ruth, Sept. 26, iSii.

Josiah, s. EHsha, bp. Aug. 10, 1760. c.r.i.

Josiah, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Nov. 16, 1763.

Josiah, s. Isaac B. and Elisabeth [Elizabeth, P.R.S3.], Sept. 24,

1804. Josiah, s. Isaac B., bp. July 6, 1806. c.R.2. Josiah Hatch, ch. Josiah and Penelope, Aug. 13, 17S9. Judith Miller, ch. Capt. John and Ruth, July 20, 1810. Lettice, d. Joshua and Mary, w. Isaac Hobart (s. Isaac and

Lydia), Feb. 22, 1785. Loring, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Aug. i, 1765. [Aug. 5,

P-R-I39-] Loring, s. Ebenezer, bp. June 14, 1767. c.R.i. Lusanna, d. Peleg and Barsheba, Feb. 13, 1749. Lydia, d. Peleg and Barsheba, Apr. 11, 1738. Lydia, d. Josiah and Sarah, Feb. 6, 1754. Lydia S., ch. John and Ruth, Nov. 25, 1818. [Lidia Sprague

Barker, ch. Capt. J., c.r.i.] Macomber, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Oct. 5, 1767. Maria, d. Isaac B. and Ehzabeth, May 14, 1798. Mary, d. EHsha and Elisabeth, bp. July 20, 1740. c.R.i. Mary, ch. Josiah and Penelope, Aug. i, 1794.

Mary C. [ ], w. Robert, Apr. 29, 1805. g.r.i.

Nathaniel, s. Thomas and Bethia, Dec. 18, 17 16.

Nathaniel, s. Capt. Thomas and Bethiah, Dec. 26, 1727.

G.R.5. Olive, d. Thomas and Olive, Nov. 25, 1774. Peleg, s. Robert and Bettey, Apr. 27, 1760. Peleg [h. Abby S. (Loring)] [June , 1793]. g.r.i. Peleg, ch. Isaac and Bridget, May 31, 1795. Peleg, ch. Isaac and Sally [July , 1823]. g.r.i. Polly, ch. Benj[ami]n and Sally, Aug. 7, 1815. Polly Turner, d. Isaac B. and Elizabeth, Nov. 22, 1794. Prince, s. Prince and Abigal, Oct. 6, 1747. Priscilla, d. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Feb. 3, 1762. Rebecca (see Beccah). Rebecca, d. Elisha and Susan, w. Thomas T. Whitman, Apr.

II, 1819. G.R.I. [Rebecca P., p.R.19.] Robert, s. Peleg and Barsheba, Mar. 3, 1734.


Barker, Robert, s. Robert and Bettey, Dec. 26, 1777. Robert, ch. Robert and Deborah, July 15, 1799. [[h. Mary

C] G.R.I.]

Ruth, d. Isaac B. and Elizabeth, Sept. 10, 1796.

Sally [ ], w. Isaac [Sept. , 1794]. g.r.i.

Sally, ch. Benj[ami]n and Sally, July 12, 1813.

Sarah, d. Josiah and Sarah, Aug. 6, 1751.

Sarah, s. Josiah, bp. Nov. 16, 1756. c.R.i.

Sarah, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, Jan. 4, 1777.

Sarah, d. Thomas and Olive, Jan. 18, 1780.

Sarah, ch. Josiah and Penelope, Feb. 19, 1788.

Sarah, ch. John and Ruth, Nov. 16, 1805.

Seth, ch. Josiah and Penelope, Jan. 17, 1799.

Silvester, d. Robert and Bettey, Nov. 5, 1774.

Sophronia, d. Isaac B. and Elisabeth, Apr. 29, 1802.

Sophronia, d. Isaac B., bp. between May i, 1803 and June ,

1804. C.R.2.

Sylvester (see Silvester).

Tho[mas], s. Thomas and Bethiah, Feb. 17, 171 2-13. Thomas, s. Josiah and Sarah, Oct. 29, 1743. Thomas, s. Tho[ma]s and Olive, May 7, 1772. Thomas, ch. Ebenezer and Priscilla, May 8, 1779. Ursulah, d. Josiah and Sarah, Mar. 5, 1749. William Bentley, s. John and Ruth, Oct. 31, 1808.

BARNARD, Thomas, mason, s. Mary, Oct. 7, 1834, in Rox- bury. R.R.

BARNES (see Barns), Edmund, s. Benj[ami]n (Barns) and Lucy, Sept. 29, 1788.

BARNS (see Barnes), Abigail, d. Benjamin, bp. Oct. 26, 1777.


Benjamin, s. Benj[amin] (Barnes), bp. Oct. 16, 1774. C.R.i. Mary, d. Benj[ami]n and Lucy, June 11, 1784. Tracey, s. Benjamin, bp. Dec. 5, 1779. c.r.2.

BARROWS, Alfred, farmer, s. James and Elizebeth S., Mar.

13, 1810, in Carver,